Updates to travel exemptions & other updates - March 20, 2020.

The exemptions to air travel restrictions have been extended to foreign nationals who have already committed to working, studying or making Canada their home. 

The Government of Canada has advised not to try and travel to Canada immediately. The exemptions are expected to be in place early next week. 

The new exemptions include: 

  • Seasonal agricultural workers, fish/seafood workers, caregivers and all other temporary foreign workers

  • International students who hold a valid study permit, or had been approved for a study permit, when the travel restrictions took effect on March 18, 2020

  • Permanent resident applicants who had been approved for permanent residence before the travel restrictions were announced on March 16, 2020, but who had not yet travelled to Canada

To read a full list of all exemptions, click here.

Other Updates

  • The Labour Market Impact Assessment requirement to recruitment for a 2-week will be waived for the next 6 months 

  • The maximum employment duration for workers in the low-wage stream of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program will increase from 1 to 2 years 

  • The IRB has postponed all in-person hearings and mediations until April 5, 2020. Detention reviews will continue until further notice 

  • IRB front offices are closed. Effective immediately, in-person correspondence (hand-delivery) is no longer accepted. Correspondence received by mail, fax, email or epost will be actioned before hearings resume 

  • Temporary extensions are being granted, as outlined in the practice notices for filing a Basis of Claim Form and Notice of Appeal and Perfecting an Appeal

As a reminder, all individuals entering from aboard must isolate for 14 days upon their arrival in Canada. 

From your NextGen team, stay safe and in good health. 



Updates to travel exemptions- March 22, 2020.


COVID-19: Canadian travel restrictions & other immigration updates.