To our NextGen Community,

Our thoughts are with you and your families during these very uncertain times. While all of our lives look a little bit different these days, we have been trying to focus on some of the positive outcomes.

We have received an overwhelming amount of calls regarding the travel restrictions and application processing, as you all try to navigate reuniting and remaining with your families in Canada.

As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, our NextGen team has worked hard to ensure that we are providing you with as much support as possible with your visa applications and with questions you may have. As always, we thank you for trusting in us and feel proud to have you in our corner.

Now more than ever, we need to come together. In an effort to support our community, we have decided to reduce all of our legal fees by upto 35%. Times are tough, but together we are stronger.

We hope this will further help support you in achieving your immigration goals. Stay safe,

NextGen Immigration


Processing changes for Visas due to COVID-19.


Announced travel exemptions are in effect - COVID-19.