Stay compliant with your Study Permit conditions.

Study permits have many conditions, and if you wish to remain in Canada, it is so important to be compliant with the immigration laws as you attend school. Why? If you do not comply, you may find yourself refused an extension, PGWP, out of status, or even worse, issued an exclusion order. While you may be able to explore a Temporary Resident Permit or Appeal to rectify the situation, it is always best to avoid these problematic situations.

Below are the big ones to remember while you are in Canada on a study permit:

  • Study permit holders must “actively pursue their studies."

  • Your study permit becomes invalid 90 days from the date you complete your studies, even if your expiry date is beyond the 90 days.

  • Study permit holders must enroll and remain enrolled at a designated learning institution until they complete their studies.

  • Some study permit holders can work 20 hours per week during their semesters and full-time during scheduled breaks. A good indicator to know if you are eligible is one of the following conditions on your study permit:

“May work 20 hours per week off-campus or full time during regular breaks if meeting criteria outlined in paragraph 186(v) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.”

“May accept employment on or off-campus if meeting eligibility criteria, per paragraph R186(f), (v) or (w) and must cease working if no longer meeting these criteria.”

If this condition is not on your study permit, and you are eligible to work during your studies, you can apply for an amendment of your study permit to include it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I need to take a leave from my studies?

A leave of absence from your studies in Canada must be no longer than 150 days from the leave start date and must be authorized by your school. If you follow these requirements and resume studies within 150 days, you will be considered to “actively pursue” your studies.

If your leave is longer than 150 days, you must either leave Canada or change your status to a visitor or worker. If you do not do one of these, you will be considered non-compliant with your study permit conditions.

My school is on strike, will this affect my stay in Canada?

If you find yourself in a situation where your school is on strike – don’t panic, this should not affect your status. You will not receive any penalty as you can’t pursue your studies during the strike. You may also continue to work off-campus for up to 20 hours per week (or full-time during scheduled breaks) if your study permit allows you to do so. Lastly, you can still obtain a Post-Graduation Work Permit once your program is finished.

If you need to extend your status during the strike to remain with valid status, you can provide a letter from your registrar that confirms the strike.


What is implied status?


How Express Entry works.