Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP).

After years with minimal changes, the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWP) made significant changes in February 2019.

The PGWP allows foreign students who have graduated from an eligible Canadian school to obtain an open work permit in order to gain work experience in Canada. Find out if your school is eligible.

You can only apply for a PGWP one time, if you have already received a work permit under this program, you cannot apply again.

The two most noticeable changes are:

1. Apply within 180 days (6 months) of your school issuing your final marks

2. Hold a valid study permit, held a valid study permit or were authorized to study in Canada without the requirement to obtain a study permit.

Applicants must also:

1. Complete a study program which was at least 8 months and led to a degree, diploma or certificate from a designated learning institution

2. Maintained full-time status (except your final semester which can be part-time, or if you took an authorized leave from studies)

Previously applicants were given 90 days to apply, and their study permit needed to be valid at the time of application submission. This would often further reduce the amount of time to apply, and in some cases, give applicant’s only a few days.

With these new changes in place, foreign nationals are given a greater opportunity to take advantage of the program. Make sure you don’t miss out!

Frequently asked questions

Can I travel while my PGWP is in process?

You do not have to remain in Canada during the processing of your application. If you intend to return to Canada during the processing of your PGWP, you must have the right entry authorization, either a TRV or eTA. When you return to Canada:

  • If your study permit is still valid, you may enter as a student.

  • If your application was approved while you were away, you may enter as a worker.

  • If your application is still processing you may enter as a visitor, and you can work without a work permit until we make a decision on your application (as long as you met the requirements to work on submission)

Before you submit your PGWP, we recommend submitting the application to the outside visa office if you do not intend to renter Canada until you have your work permit.

When can I start full-time work?

You can start work full-time as soon as your PGWP has been submitted as long as you meet the following requirements:

  • had a valid study permit when you submitted your application

  • completed your study program

  • were eligible to work off campus while studying and you didn’t work more hours than you were allowed to

If you do not meet the above requirements, you cannot work until you receive your PGWP permit. Don’t forget, a co-op work permit does not allow you to work full-time once you have completed your program.

What happens if my passport is going to expire?

We recommend renewing your passport before the submission of your PGWP, however, if you are unable to do this, the PGWP will only be issued to the length of your passport. Immigration Canada will place a comment on your work permit indicating your passport must be renewed for further extensions and/or the work permit is issued to the passport validity.


Entering Canada with a criminal record – denied entry to Canada.


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