Public policy extended & modified: visitors may apply for a work permit inside Canada until August 31, 2021

On March 29, 2021, the Canadian government extended and modified the temporary public policy initially introduced in August 2020. Since the policy was introduced, more than 1,000 people with visitor status in Canada have applied for a work permit. 

Previously, the requirement to use this public policy was that applicants had valid status as a visitor as of August 24, 2020. This meant that any foreign national who arrived in Canada after August 24, 2020, would not qualify for this public policy. This requirement has been removed.

As of April 1, 2021, applicants who can use this public policy must:

  • Have valid status in Canada as a visitor on the day they apply.

  • Have remained in Canada with valid status.

  • Submit either an in-Canada application for an employer-specific work permit that is supported by an LMIA or an Offer of Employment to a Foreign National Exempt from an LMIA no later than August 31, 2021.

  • Meet all other standard admissibility criteria.

Interim Work Authorization

Also introduced in August 2020, if a foreign national has held a valid work permit in Canada in the last 12-month period, they can apply to work while their work permit application is in process. To be able to apply for interim work authorization, applicants must:

  • Have been physically present in Canada on August 24, 2020

    • If you left Canada and returned after August 24, 2020, you cannot apply.

  • Be a visitor with valid status when you apply for the work permit

    • If visitor status has expired, applicants will need to submit a restoration of visitor status before applying for the work permit

  • Be applying for an employer-specific work permit (not open), and the application is supported by an LMIA or Offer of Employment to a Foreign National Exempt from an LMIA.

  • Have held a valid work permit in the 12 months before applying for a new work permit

To apply for the interim work authorization, applicants must first submit their work permit application, and once done, fill out the IRCC Webform with the following:

Priority Code VISIT2WORK2020: I am requesting consideration under the Temporary Public Policy to Exempt Certain Visitors in Canada from Immigration Requirements during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and ask that the applicable exemptions be granted until a decision is made on my work permit application or it is withdrawn.

My previous work permit number [U#########] expired on [Date].

I have submitted my application for a work permit online. OR I have submitted my application on paper, and the postal/courier tracking number is NUMBER.

I intend to work for [employer NAME] / [occupation] as specified in the aforementioned work permit application.

I understand that providing false, misleading, or incorrect information is a violation of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and may result in enforcement measures against me.

All information in square brackets should be completed. If you applied via paper, and don’t know your application number, include your courier tracking number so that IRCC can find your application.

Once this is submitted, IRCC will contact you and let you know if you can start working. This can take 30 business days (6 weeks).  


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