
Canadian Citizenship is one of the most sought-after citizenships in the world. Contact NextGen to find out whether you are eligible to apply and let us help you prepare and submit your citizenship application.


Grant of Citizenship

There are several requirements to submit a Canadian citizenship application. These requirements were recently amended in October 2017 to provide those wanting to become Canadian citizens greater flexibility to meet the eligibility requirements. There are also different requirements depending on whether you are adopted, stateless, an adult or a minor.

To be eligible for a grant of Canadian citizenship as an adult, you must: 

  • Be at least 18 years of age or older

  • Have lawfully resided in Canada for at least three (3) years or 1,095 days in the five (5) years preceding your application​​ (you may use some of your time as a temporary resident or protected person towards your physical presence)

    • Each day spent in Canada as a temporary resident or protected person within the last five (5) years counts as one-half day when you calculate your physical presence. You can use a maximum of 365 days as a temporary resident or protected person towards your time spent in Canada​

  • Have filed income taxes (if required) for any three (3) taxation years within the five (5) years preceding your application

  • If you are between 18 and 54 years of age, you must demonstrate that you have knowledge of Canada and the responsibilities of a citizen (assessed after you apply for citizenship)

  • If you are between 18 and 54 years of age, you must demonstrate your English or French language ability

    • If you have a medical condition, you may be exempt from meeting the language and knowledge requirements​

You may not be eligible for citizenship if any of the following apply to you: 

  • You have a criminal record

  • You have pending criminal charges inside or outside of Canada

  • You have had your Canadian citizenship revoked

  • You have not met the terms and conditions of your permanent resident status (i.e. you have not completed the medical screening as requested after arriving in Canada)

  • You have been ordered to leave Canada

  • You have been refused Canadian citizenship due to misrepresentation

The average processing time of a Citizenship application under this category is 12 months.

Proof of Citizenship

In some cases, you do not need to apply for a grant of citizenship. Some people who are born outside of Canada to a Canadian parent become citizens at birth. If one of your parents were born in Canada or received their Canadian citizenship before your birth, you may be eligible to apply for a Canadian citizenship certificate. 

​The average processing time, if you live in Canada, is five months and nine months if you applied from outside of Canada. 

Other Services

NextGen Immigration offers a number of services in the citizenship category, including:

  • Citizenship Grants

  • Citizenship Revocation

  • Citizenship Resumption

  • Proof of Citizenship

  • Search of Citizenship